Saturday, March 26, 2011

Some iconic places every kid needs to see

Two years ago we chose the American rule,every child should see on Ellis Island in Redwood National Park.Our latest and enhanced 2011 list takes up the challenge even further, paying noticeto how the main attractions of our fatherland meet the children's shortattention span. From roasting marshmallows around the campfire to play dress-upin Monticello.

Grand Canyon (Arizona)
During the day, walks a 4-year surveillance,rounded, glass-bottomed observation deck, serving 70 feet above West Canyon Rimand sits 4000 meters above the Colorado River.Come sunset, struck the Grand Canyon Apache Stables, where, for $ 25.50 perperson, you can unit within one hour by horse-drawn wagon, which ends aroundthe campfire.
National Mall (DC)
Riding the streets of Washington,DC, in a ship on wheels may seem unpleasantbut cruising the Potomac River in one verysweet. Set in World War II era amphibious vehicle, a 90-minute DC Duck tourcovers both land and sea. The boat paused at Gravelly Point Park, located just a fewhundred meters from the runway at Reagan National DC at the airport, so you canwatch the roaring planes take off and land.
Redwood National Park (California)
Take a tour of the tide pool, everywhere growingbiologists can scramble among the rocks of coastal forests, while hunting forunderwater creatures such as orange and purple Ochre sea stars and sprawling,green anemones. Free tours are offered during the summer tide pools through Redwood National Park.
Ellis Island (N.Y.)
Between 1892 and 1924, more than 17 millionimmigrants approved through Ellis Island,today their descendants make up 40 percent of Americans. Go on the hunt foryour ancestors at Ellis Island Immigration Museum,where for $ 5 you can search through millions of records to find the exact dateof your relatives sailed into the port of New York, and whichship they were on and whether they traveled with other family members. (Bonus:a copy of your documents.) And do not miss the construction of the settling of America Center, a $ 20 million for constructionand scheduled to open in 2012.

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