Friday, January 7, 2011


So my latest money saving obsession is now Groupons.
Here's how I  use it...

I check my iphone app (of course there's an app! hahaha... who doesn't have an app now a days...) every morning to see which groupons look interesting (you can set for which every area you live in so that you get local offers).  If I find one that looks like something I would buy anyways, I'll purchase it right on my phone, since my card is already on file.  It usually takes about an hour to process depending on how popular that particular groupon is... Finally I will either print the "coupon" unless they give you a bar code on your phone that you show the retailer to scan, take it in to the retailer or online retailers will give you a code and make the purchase.  Pretty simple and you save tons of money!

Some groupons I've purchased are ... 
 the Nordstrum Rack:  pay $25 for a $50 coupon.  
Kyo Chon Chicken: pay $7 for $15 worth of food
LACMA Museum: pay $25 for a year membership (I saved $25)

If you're interested here is my personal invite link :)

and here's Groupon's video, a more through explanation of their process ...

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